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Lifestyle factors associated with infertility in a rural area: A cross-sectional study

Shilpa Acharya, Chethana Rame Gowda.

Cited by 23 Articles

Background: Lifestyle factors are the modifiable habits and ways of life that can greatly influence overall health and well-being, including fertility.

Objectives: (1) To describe the sociodemographic characteristics prevailing among infertile subjects of the study population, (2) to identify lifestyle factors associated with infertility.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at rural field practice area of Tertiary Hospital, Bengaluru. Complete enumeration of entire primary health center (PHC) area covering 26,190 population. In-depth interview using a pre-tested pre-structured questionnaire was conducted enumerating all couples with infertility in the entire PHC area and their lifestyle factors.

Results: The significant lifestyle factors include frequency of intercourse, body mass index, alcohol, and tobacco consumption.

Conclusion: Thus, lifestyle factors play a role in determining reproductive status and have a significant impact on fertility.

Key words: Primary Infertility; Secondary Infertility; Prevalence; Rural; Lifestyle Factors; Body Mass Index

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