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Assessment of satisfaction and anxiety levels of the patients who had cesarean section with general and spinal anesthesia

Basak Altiparmak, Sezen Bozkurt Koseoglu.


The primary aim in our study is to obtain the most objective result by comparing the anesthesia satisfaction of women who had cesarean section both under general and spinal anesthesia. Our secondary aim is to assess the relation between patients’ preference of anesthesia technique and anxiety level. Total number of 94 ASA II women who hadcesarean section under general anesthesia within 5 years and scheduled to have elective cesarean section under spinal anesthesia, were included into the study. After 48 hours, all of the patients were asked to compare their previous general anesthesia experience with spinal anesthesia in regard of satisfaction and anxiety. Satisfaction scores were as “bad”, “average”, “good”, “very good” while patients were asked to use numbers from 1 to 10 to score their anxiety level. The mean age of the patients was 26.1±4.5 when they had general anesthesia and it was 29.7±4.6 when they had spinal anesthesia. When the satisfaction scores of anesthesia techniques were compared, spinal anesthesia was found to be statistically significantly high (p0.05). The patients who had cesarean section under both of the anesthesia techniques were more satisfied by spinal anesthesia. While no difference was found between preoperative anxiety levels.

Key words: General anesthesia, satisfaction, cesarean, spinal

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