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Review Article

The role of hyponatremia in preeclampsia

Erdinc Saridogan, Ayse Kirbas, Burak Elmas, Turhan Caglar.


Preeclampsia associated hyponatraemia is a quite rare condition that cannot be separated from preeclampsia with severe features completely. This condition may be life-threatening for mothers and fetuses and is needed a multidisciplinary management. A 31-year-old primigravida was referred to our perinatology clinic at 28 weeks 4 days due to preeclampsia. She had nephrotic proteinuria and developed hypervolemic, hypoosmolar, chronic, severe hyponatremia. The pregnant was delivered at 29 weeks of gestation because of severe preeclampsia. The baby died in 48 hours postpartum and maternal hyponatremia improved spontaneously within 72 hours. Studies major on vasopressin about hyponatremia-complicated preeclampsia that its pathogenesis and management is still unclear. Studies that note the importance of vasopressin in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia support the theories and highlight the association of vasopressin and hyponatremia. It is known that the definite treatment is delivery. Maternal outcomes are good but neonatal outcomes are variable.

Key words: Hyponatremia, preeclampsia, pregnancy, nephrotic, vasopressin

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