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Intravenous catheter complications in hemodialysis

Shyamala Kumari Volabailu, Venu Gopala Delanthabettu.

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Background: Vascular access, still is a problem for hemodialysis. Venous catheters are commonly used for acute angioaccess during maintenance hemodialysis in acute renal failure and end-stage renal failure patients. However, the catheters are often complicated by mechanical or infectious complications which may result in morbidity and or premature removal of the catheter. Even though, there are various studies on central venous catheters used in hemodialysis in western countries less is documented in India.

Aims and Objectives: Complications of intravenous catheter used during hemodialysis in our set up.

Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted on 110 patients selected by random sampling in dialysis units of a government district hospital from October 2014 to September 2015. Patient age, sex, history, type of kidney disease, and associated conditions were also noted according to the pro forma. Date of intravenous catheter insertion, site of insertion, and insertion complications were noted. All patients were followed up until the day of catheter removal. Date of catheter removal, reason for catheter removal, and duration of catheter days were noted. Data were collected and tabulated.

Result: Only 47.8% of patients suspected with infections showed bacterial growth in catheter tip culture. However, blood culture showed bacterial growth only in 19.6% of infection suspected patients. Blood culture reported 55.6% Staphylococcus aureus growth followed by Pseudomonas (22.2%), Escherichia coli, and Acinetobacter (11.15%) growth in samples collected from infection suspected dialysis patients.

Conclusion: Fever due to infections is the most common cause for catheter removal.

Key words: Catheter Tip Culture; Blood Culture; Bacterial Growth; Hemodialysis; Staphylococcus Aureus

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