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Influence of Dregea sinensis Hemsl. Protease on the Quality of Mozzarella Cheese from Buffalo Milk

hongyan wang, yujing wang, aixiang huang.


Dregea sinensis Hemsl. protease, a new enzyme source, is described with the characteristics of milk curd. However, cheese processing with this protease has yet to be described. In this study, a protease called chymosin was extracted and purified from D. sinensis Hemsl. stalk. Calf rennet and microbial chymosin were used as the control group in the production of mozzarella cheese to investigate the effect of this plant species on the quality of cheese. Results: SDS-PAGE revealed that D. sinensis Hemsl. protease can be used to process cheese because this enzyme elicits a degradation effect on α-casein in mozzarella cheese. Fresh and sweet glutamic acid and histidine are the dominant free amino acids in mozzarella cheese (P

Key words: Dregea sinensis Hemsl. protease, Mozzarella cheese quality, protein degradation, flavor and texture parameters

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