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Effect of storage time on physicochemical, sensorial, and antioxidant characteristics, and composition of mango (cv. Azúcar) juice

Maria Bibiana Zapata, Diana Chaparro, Benjamin Alberto Rojano, Andres Felipe Alzate, Luis Fernando Restrepo, Maria Elena Maldonado.


Mango is one of the most popular fruits and a good source of antioxidants compounds. In this study, we monitor the stability of physicochemical and sensory characteristics, antioxidant activity and content of carotenoids and polyphenols of ripe mango cultivar Azúcar stored up to 60 days at - 20°C. All analysis were carried out in mango juice prepared using pulp stored during 1, 8, 30, 44 and 60 days. The sensory analysis was carried out by 200 untrained panelists and samples 2 and 4 had the highest scores in all attributes followed by sample 3. Physicochemical characteristics were measured by standard AOAC methods, and they were similar through different storage time except for calories and total carbohydrates. Total carotenoids, flavonoids and polyphenols content were measured by colorimetric methods. Polyphenols content was similar over time, meanwhile carotenoids and flavonoids content increased after 8 days of storage and they decreased after 30 days of storage. Antioxidant activity was measured by DPPH, ABTS and hydrophilic ORAC methods. Juice prepared after 8 and 30 days of mango storage showed the highest antioxidant activity in almost methods. In conclusion, juice prepared from ripe mango cultivar Azúcar had similar physicochemical characteristics, sensory characteristics, content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity between 1 and 30 days of storage at - 20°C.

Key words: Azúcar, antioxidant, carotenoids, mango juice, polyphenols

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