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Short Communication

Malarial acute kidney injury

Midhun Ramesh, Balu Mohan, Praveen Murlidharan, Satish Balan.


Malaria has emerged as one of the top killer among infectious diseases, in the World. It is a parasitic disease of epidemiological importance in tropical countries and Malaria associated Acute Kidney Injury (MAKI) is emerging as a big Nephrological issue. We conducted a retrospective descriptive study to determine the demographic profile, incidence, clinical feature and outcome of AKI due to Malaria in our institution from January 2010 to December 2014. Out of 138 Malaria positive cases the incidence of AKI was 15.7 %( 21). The main presenting features were fever (95.23%), Jaundice (23.8%), Vomiting (23.8%) and shortness of breath (14.28%) among MAKI cases. 9.5 %( 13) of cases MAKI required some form of Renal replacement therapy (RRT). Two patients were managed with Sustained low efficiency dialysis (SLED) and 11 with intermitted Haemodialysis (IHD). The prognosis of AKI in Malaria is favourable with high quality intensive care, early diagnosis and prompt initiation of RRTs along with antimalarial therapy and avoidance of nephrotoxic medications

Key words: Malaria, acute, kidney injury

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