A cross sectional study was done to determine risk factors responsible of occurrence of cystic echinoccoccosis (CE) of humans in the pastoral and agro-pastoral (PAP) districts of: Moroto, Napak, Nakapiripirit and Amudat in Karamoja region; in agro-pastoral communities of Teso region, in the districts of Kumi and Bukedea; Nakasongola in Central region and in Kasese district in the Western region. People found positive to CE on ultrasound screening were interviewed using a special designed form to find out the probable predisposing factors for acquisition of CE infection. Predisposing factors considered were: location, age, sex, dog ownership, occupation, water source and religion. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was done to identify key risk factors. In Karamoja region, location, being female, age beyond 40 and open spring water sources were the risk factors. While for Nakasongola age beyond 40 years was a risk factor. In Kasese dog ownership, age above 60 years and being a muslim were risk factors. In Teso region dog ownership and age beyond 60 years were the risk factors. Overall pastoralism, location, being female, increasing age, water source, dog ownership and being a muslim were the risk factors for CE in PAP areas in Uganda.
Key words: Risk factors, Cystic Echinococcosis, humans, pastoral, agro-pastoral, Uganda