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Case Report

Chromoblastomycosis as a mimicker of neoplastic lesion: A case report

Manisha Sarkar, Dipanwita Das, Anindita Sinhababu.

Cited by 0 Articles

Chromoblastomycosis, a rare fungal infection, occurs most commonly in tropical and subtropical countries. Persons involved in agricultural works are most commonly affected. Traumatic injury by contaminated wood particles/thorn predispose to chromoblastomycosis. We are reporting a case of chromoblastomycosis in a 50-year-old male presenting with a nodular swelling in the right foot for 2 months. It was clinically suspected to be a neoplastic lesion and was subjected to surgical excision and histopathological examination that demonstrated the presence of fungal hyphae, spores, and the typical “sclerotic bodies.” Surgical excision is not needed in chromoblastomycosis as it can be treated by antifungals. Chromoblastomycosis needs to be considered in the initial differential diagnosis of verrucous cutaneous lesions of foot, particularly in agricultural workers.

Key words: Chromoblastomycosis; Fungal Infection; Sclerotic Body

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