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RMJ. 2017; 42(2): 154-157

Outcomes of aerobic exercises on 6-minute walk test in post stroke patients

Ummara Andleeb, Muhammad Mustafa Qamar, Muhammad Saeed Afridi, Hafiz Muhammad Asim, Ayesha Basharat.


Objectives: To determine the outcome of aerobic exercises on 6MWT in stroke survivors
Methodology: This study is quasi-experimental done in a tertiary care hospital and included a total of 104 ambulatory stroke patients. Subjects walked on self-selected speed on a treadmill along a prescribed course for 10 weeks.
Results: The ratio of male patients was more as compared to females (67.31% vs. 32.69). Only 3 out of total 104 patients were lost to follow-up. No difference was observed post exercise in the mean HR beats/minute (P=0.432). Moreover, no difference was observed in the mean systolic (P=0.543) and diastolic BP of the patients with treadmill training (P=0.367). However, aerobic exercises improved walking and endurance in stroke survivors from 196±120m at baseline to 230 ±132mafter aerobic training (P=0.001).
Conclusions: Treadmill walking improved patients walking ability for long distances and if they retain and improve it further, they can ambulate functionally and independently.

Key words: Stroke, aerobic capacity, treadmill, Six minute walk test

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