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J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(3): 117-122

Phytochemical, Proximate Analysis, Vitamin and Mineral Composition of Aqueous Extract of Ficus capensis leaves in South Eastern Nigeria

Ngozi Kalu Achi, Chimaraoke Onyeabo, Chima Agatha Ekeleme-Egedigwe, Jennifer Chituru Onyeanula.


The phytochemical, proximate, vitamin and mineral composition of the aqueous extract of the leaves of Ficus capensis collected from Ikwuano Local Government Area(LGA) in Abia State was investigated. The parameters investigated were determined using standard biochemical methods. Phytochemical studies carried out on aqueous extract of Ficus capensis leaves showed high levels of flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins and alkaloids while glycosides, saponins, steroids were in trace amount. The proximate analysis of the leaves revealed that Ficus capensis leaves is a poor source of lipid (1.83%) and fiber (4.77%) but has very high moisture content (104.53%) and carbohydrate (73.77%), moderate amount of ash (6.65%) and protein (6.31%). This composition shows that the sample could be a good source of carbohydrate and moisture. The result also showed that the leaves contain a variety of vitamins (A, B-complex, C , E, D, K and carotenoid) with β-carotenoid (6.55±0.009%) having the highest concentration and Vitamin A (6.06 ± 0.004) while the B-Vitamins and Vitamin E are in moderate amount. The mineral content showed the presence of zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron content. This indicates the tendency of Ficus capensis to be able to control osmotic balance, essential for bone formation, lower blood pressure and also acts a source of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. The presence of these phytochemicals, minerals and vitamins in this leafy vegetable supports the use of the leaves of Ficus capensis both for food and ethno medicine purposes in many parts of Nigeria.

Key words: Ficus capensis, Phytochemical, Proximate, Vitamins, Minerals

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