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J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(1): 149-155

Annona muricata Leaves Extract Reduce Proliferative Indexes And Improve Histological Changes In RatÂ’s Breast Cancer

Evy Sulistyoningrum, Eka Prasasti Nur Rachmani, Hanif Nasiatul Baroroh, Lantip Rujito.


The soursop (Annona muricata Linn., Family Annonaceae) leaves contain annonaceous acetogenins which have cytotoxic effect on cancer cell lines as reported in many research. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of ethanolic leaves extract of Annona muricata (ELEAM) on breast cancer histology and on proliferative indexes of DMBA-induced breast cancer rats. Eighty four female of albino rats strain Sprague Dawley were divided into seven groups (of twelve each): control; DMBA-induced breast cancer; DMBA-induced breast cancer + tamoxifen 0,18 mg/kg; DMBA-induced breast cancer +ELEAM 200 mg/kg, DMBA-induced breast cancer + ELEAM 300 mg/kg, DMBA-induced breast cancer + ELEAM 400 mg/kg and DMBA-induced breast cancer + ELEAM 500 mg/kg. The research indicates that breast cancer ductal with infiltrative grade II developed in DMBA-induced breast cancer group. DMBA-induced breast cancer group receiving tamoxifen showed normal duct structure. Tamoxifen treated groups showed lower mAgNOR and pAgNOR compared with untreated cancer group. ELEAM-treated group showed lower mAgNOR and pAgNOR compared with untreated cancer group, starting from 300 mg/kg dose. Group treated with ELEAM 300 mg/kg showed no significant difference with tamoxifen-treated group. We concluded that ELEAM improved histological changes of breast cancer-induced DMBA. ELEAMalso reduced proliferative indexes of breast cancer-induced DMBA and the most effective dose in 300 mg/kg

Key words: Annona muricata, anti-breast cancer, histological changes, mAgNOR, pAgNOR

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