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Case Report

Cutaneous metastasis: An unusual presenting feature of silent renal cell carcinoma

Pradosh Kumar Sarangi, Pragnyamaya Debadatta Mangaraj, Pratisruti Hui, Sasmita Parida, Jayashree Mohanty.

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Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a potentially lethal cancer with aggressive behavior and propensity for metastatic spread. However, it is very rare for RCC to present as metastasis to skin and it is virtually a sign of poor prognosis. Skin metastases have been reported to occur in around 3% of RCC. The most common site for cutaneous metastasis from RCC is the scalp and face, followed by the chest and the abdomen. Herein, we are reporting a case of RCC in a 60-year-old man who presented to us with multiple skin nodules in thorax and abdomen as the sole complaint. Fine needle aspiration cytology from these nodules revealed metastatic deposits of RCC though the patient had no urologic symptoms. Computed tomography and ultrasonography of abdomen revealed right RCC with multiple secondaries in liver, spleen, lungs, chest wall, abdominal wall with retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, and inferior vena cava thrombus. This case highlights the ubiquity of RCC metastasis and emphasizes the importance of keeping RCC as differential in patients who present with cutaneous metastases.

Key words: Metastasis; Prognosis; Renal Cell Carcinoma; Skin

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