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Effects of different light quality on growth, photosynthetic characteristic and chloroplast ultrastructure of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seedlings

Huimin Li, Canming Tang, Zhigang Xu.


In this work, we evaluated our results showed that the mixture blue plus red LED light might be propitious to upland cotton seedling growth and can be used as a primary lights for cotton seedling cultivation. This study might be the first paper of determining different light qualities on growth, photosynthetic characteristic and chloroplast ultra-structure of upland cotton cultivar Sumian 22. The mixture blue plus red (BR1:8) LEDs light might be propitious and necessary to upland cotton seedling growth and can be used as a primary lights for cotton seedling cultivation.

Key words: Light emitting diodes; Photosynthetic characteristic; Chloroplast ultrastructure; Spongy tissue length; Stomatal area; Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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