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Case Report

Single-stage reconstructıon of skin and tendon defect of finger with dorsal metacarpal artery flap: A case report

Musa Kemal Keles, Bekir Unal, Ugur Horoz, Feridun Elmas, Ali Teoman Tellioglu.


Extensor tendon injuries are common tendon injuries of the hand. Crush and avulsion injuries were seen more rarely, which often lead to tendon and skin defect at the affected site. Some reconstruction methods including grafts and flaps were reported for tendon defects. In this study, we report a saw injury case of middle finger with skin and tendon defect reconstructed in one stage with dorsal metacarpal artery and juncturae tendinum flap with the 6-month follow-up result.

Key words: Flap, injury, juncturae tendinum, metacarpal artery

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