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Review Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(1): 395-398

Periodontal diseases in children affected by systemic disorders: a review

Sarah Thamer Alshammari, Jamilah Mohammed AlQahtani, Shrooq Gazae Traed, Hadeel Abdulrahman Abohamed, Reem Othman AlHulaylah, Dhabia Mohammad Alabbadi.


Periodontal diseases are inflammatory diseases, which adversely impact the tissues around the teeth. The current review aimed to investigate the prevalence of periodontal diseases in children. Scientific articles linked to the present topic were obtained using an online searching process. The searching process included several scientific websites such as Google Scholar and PubMed. We obtained 18 articles that matched with the current subject and were written in English. Out of those 18 articles, six were excluded as they were published before 2000, or did not focus on the present topic, or were written in a language other than English; therefore, only 12 papers were included. Periodontal diseases are a type of inflammation affecting tooth-supporting tissues, including root cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, cementum, and gingiva. Among children, periodontitis treatment with systemic diseases is a big challenge that needs effective collaboration with other medical specialists. The inflammatory response of patients with the systematic disorder decreased by the uptake of antibiotic therapy, and the results are not expected. Additionally, several side effects with oral manifestations are associated with medications for the treatment, including oral mucositis. Therefore, the dentist, when treating patients with periodontal diseases, should manage/control the microbial dental plaque and offer proper treatment.

Key words: Periodontal diseases, periodontitis diseases, histological diseases, genetic diseases, children

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