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RMJ. 2017; 42(2): 226-230

Failed back surgery syndrome: Factors responsible and management

Shahid Ahmed Shah, Zeeshan Basharat.


Objective: To evaluate factors responsible for failed back surgery at our institution.
Methodology: This longitudinal and interventional study was conducted at Shifa International Hospital Islamabad over a time period of two years and included 30 consecutive patients of Failed back surgery syndrome. Per-operative planning, preparation and surgery were performed by a single surgeon.
Results: Patients were divided in two groups; Group 1 consisted of 25 (83.3%) patients who underwent redo surgery and Group 2, 5(16.6%) patients who were managed conservatively. Most common reason for failed back surgery syndrome was inappropriate surgical technique (residual disc fragments) in 18(72%) patients in group 1.
Conclusion: Proper pre-operative planning, good surgical technique, prevention of wrong level surgery, good sterilization and appropriate aseptic measures are some of the measures that can prevent failed back surgery syndrome.

Key words: Failed back surgery syndrome, redo spine surgery, intractable pain

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