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Level of Competencies of Family Physicians in Kosovo from Different Perspectives

Gazmend Bojaj, Fitim Skeraj, Katarzyna Czabanowska, and Genc Burazeri.


Aim: The aim of this analysis was to compare the level of self-perceived competencies of primary health care physicians in Kosovo with patients’ viewpoint, as well as the necessary (required) level of such competencies from decision-makers’ standpoint. Methods: Three cross-sectional studies were carried out in Kosovo in 2013 including: i) a representative sample of 1340 primary health care users aged ≥18 years (49% men; overall mean age: 50.5±17.9 years; response rate: 89%); ii) a representative sample of 597 primary health care physicians (49% men; overall mean age: 46.0±9.4 years; response rate: 90%), and; iii) a nationwide representative sample of 100 decision-makers operating at different primary health care institutions or public health agencies in Kosovo (63% men; mean age: 47.7±5.7 years). A structured self-administered questionnaire (consisting of 37 items) was used in the three surveys in order to assess physicians’ competencies regarding different domains of the quality of health care. Results: There was a significant gap in the level of self-perceived physicians’ competencies and patients’ perspective in transitional Kosovo. Furthermore, there was a gap in the level of self-perceived physicians’ competencies and the necessary (required) level of physicians’ competencies from decision-makers perspective which was less evident in Prishtina, but considerable in the other regions of Kosovo. Conclusion: Our analysis provides valuable evidence about the level of competencies of primary health care physicians in Kosovo from different stakeholders’ perspectives. There is an urgent need for continuous professional development of family physicians in post-war Kosovo.

Key words: competencies, decision-makers, family physicians, general practitioners, patients, primary health care.

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