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Oral Health of Down Syndrome Children in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Selma Porovic, Amila Zukanovic, Hrvoje Juric, and Senka Mesihovic Dinarevic.


Introduction: The objective of this study was to determine the oral health condition Down syndrome (DS) children in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by analizing oral health of Down syndrome individuals in two largest regions, Sarajevo and Tuzla Canton. Patients and Methods: Caries and oral health status of Down syndrome children aged 6-18 years were examined and assessed according WHO 1997 criteria. DS individuals were divided in to four age groups: I (0-6 yrs); II (7-12 yrs); III (13-18 yrs). Results: The mean dmft/DMFT index for age group I is (6,40±6,05); II (2,05±2,04) and III (10,30±6,80). The analysis of oral hygiene of Down syndrome children by using the debris index, it was found that 43,9% have very good oral hygiene, 33,3% respondents have good oral hygiene, 15,8% were with poor oral hygiene, while the very poor hygiene had 7% subjects. By using Pearson’s correlation to the value of DMFT, debris index and age of examinees with Down syndrome, it is established a statistically significant positive correlation between analyzed variables. Values of CPI index according to age groups were as follows: I (0,1); II (0,17) and III group (0,4).

Key words: oral health, Down syndrome, children, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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