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Nig. J. Basic Appl. Sci.. 2017; 25(2): 125-129

The Effect of Weather Factors on the Population Density of Oxycarenus spp. (Hemiptera: Lygaidae) on Roselle and Kenaf

Olaniyi Thomas Alamu, Abiola Oluwafunke Amao, Olanipekun Monday Dahunsi, John Ayodele Ete.


Roselle, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Kenaf, Hibiscus cannabinus are two important fibre crops in most parts of Africa. Insect pests are one of the major constraints in the production of these crops. The cotton seed bug Oxycarenus spp. attacks Roselle and Kenaf during the seed formation stage and cause reduction in seed viability. This study focuses on the effect of weather factors on the population density of Oxycarenus spp. on Roselle and Kenaf during the planting seasons 2012 and 2013. The treatments consisted of two types of Roselle (Green calyxed and Red calyxed) and Kenaf. The experiment was laid out in the field using Randomize Complete Block design and the treatments were replicated four times. The results showed that the population of Oxycarenus spp. was significantly higher on H. sabdariffa (Green calyxed) and H. sabdariffa (Red calyxed) than on Kenaf in 2012 and 2013. The differences in the density of the bug/fruit on H. sabdariffa (Green calyxed) and H. sabdariffa (Red calyxed) were significant in the two planting seasons. Relative humidity in the morning and maximum temperature correlated positively and negatively, respectively with the density of Oxycarenus spp. during the two planting seasons. The number of sunshine hours per day correlated positively, while soil temperature and evaporation had a negative correlation with the bug density. This information on the seasonal variation in the bug density and its relationship with weather factors could be used in pest forecasting for these fibre crops which is an important tool in formulating a successful pest management programme.
Keywords: Fibre crops, weather factors, Oxycarenus spp., pest management, planting seasons,
pest density.

Key words: Fibre crops, weather factors, Oxycarenus spp., pest management, planting seasons, pest density.

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