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Chemical composition of essential oils of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa agroindustrial waste

Ivan Chóez-Guaranda, Arnold Ortega, Migdalia Miranda, Patricia Manzano.


The study of the chemical composition of essential oils of shells and seeds of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa is discussed. The essential oils were obtained by microwave assisted hydrodistillation (MWHD) as extraction method using Clevenger apparatus. The compounds were separated and identified by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). There were no significant differences of essential oil yields between samples. 20 compounds were detected altogether. Ionol was the main compound in shells (13.15%) and seeds (12.10%). Nevertheless, some fatty acid methyl ester, aldehydes, hydrocarbons and other terpenes were found in minor quantities. These results have not been informed previously and allow adding value to this agroindustrial waste.

Key words: essential oil, ionol, GC-MS, residue, yellow passion fruit

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