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Perceptions of the community about epilepsy in rural Tamil Nadu, India

Prasad Tukaram Dhikale, Muruganandham R, Amol Rambhau Dongre.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: There is no qualitative research on community’s perception about epilepsy available from India. However, some quantitative surveys were done among school children, local community, and patients of epilepsy. Caregivers and family members support is crucial for better compliance and care of epileptic patients.

Objectives: The purpose was to study the perceptions of the community members of the age group 18-60 years about epilepsy in rural Villupuram, India. This can improve the quality of life of epileptic patients.

Materials and Methods: It was a qualitative descriptive study in which four Focus Group Discussions were conducted; two among male and female group each. A vignette was used as a stimulus material to evoke discussion among participants.

Results: The text information was coded using 22 codes which were merged into 5 major categories which were (1) perceived causes, (2) modes of spread, (3) perceived prognosis, (4) suggested treatment options, and (5) social inclusions and exclusions. Although participants felt that the epileptic patients can undergo education, earn a livelihood by employment and seek allopathic medication for treatment, there were some misconceptions about the causes of epilepsy. Patients with female gender were reported to experience more stigma and discrimination than male.

Conclusion: The study gives insight into the variety of perceptions on different aspects of epilepsy. The misconceptions in the community about epilepsy can affect nutrition, maternal and child health, hygiene, health care seeking, compliance to treatment of the epileptic patients leading to poor quality of life. The results demonstrated a need for educational and awareness programs among family and community members about the causes, modes of spread, treatment of epilepsy. The findings of the present study can direct the future quantitative research in community settings in India.

Key words: Social Perception; Epilepsy; Qualitative Research and Focus Groups

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