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Assessment of male sterility and antioxidant enzyme activities induced by the chemical hybridization agent SQ-1 in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica)

Haiying Zhang, Pingyi Guo*, Yuguo Wang, Xiangyang Yuan, Shuqi Dong, Xi’e Song, Jixiang Wang, Yinyuan Wen.


Chemical hybridization agents (CHA) induced male sterility has long been researched in other plants, however, there is little information on the male sterility induced by CHA in foxtail millet. In this experiment, we investigated the optimized application stage and efficient dosage of the SQ-1 for inducing higher male sterility in Henggu 13 in 2015 and 2016. Some studies have suggested that CHA induced male sterility may suffer from oxidative stress. To study the physiological responses, the production and scavenging effects of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) were investigated.

Key words: Chemical Hybridizing Agents (CHA); Foxtail millet; male sterility; physiological responses; SQ-1

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