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RMJ. 2017; 42(2): 250-254

Use of text reminders to reduce no-shows in an internal medicine outdoor clinic

Abdul Rehman Arshad, Kamran Yousaf Alvi.


Objective: To determine patient characteristics predictive of follow up and to study the impact of short message service (SMS) based reminders in improving the follow up rates
Methodology: This randomized clinical trial was carried out from February to April 2015. Patients seen in general medicine outdoor clinic requiring a follow up visit were included. Demographic data were recorded. Date of the subsequent follow up visit was communicated verbally as well in writing. One day before the appointment, half of the patients were selected randomly using computer generated random number tables and were sent text reminders for follow up. The remaining did not receive any reminder. Attendance of all patients was marked the next day.
Results: Out of total 641 patients, 320 were sent text messages, out of which 41.88% did not follow up. Of the 321 not sent text messages, 57.01% did not follow up (p

Key words: Office visits, reminder systems, no- shows, attendance.

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