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Peak expiratory flow rate in healthy school children

Veera Mohan Rao M, Rameswarudu M.

Cited by 3 Articles

Background: Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) assesses the overall functional status of the respiratory system.

Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to observe the PEFR in school going healthy children, in a town located in the southern part of India. To illustrate the relation among the age, height, weight, and PEFR in the school going children.

Materials and Methods: 119 school going healthy boys were selected randomly, aged between 5 and 16 years. Anthropometric parameters, namely, height and weight of the subjects were measured to the nearest reading with minimal clothes on and without footwear using stadiometer and weighing machine, respectively. Subjects were divided into five groups: Group I with a height range of 101-120 cm, Group II with 121-130 cm; Group III with 131-140 cm; Group IV with 141-150 cm; and Group V with 151-160 cm. PEFR was measured using the pocket flow meter and wrights flow meter.

Results: Mean PEFR values with standard deviation in the five groups with pocket flow meter and with wrights flow meter are Group I: 159 ± 18.3 and 118 ± 22.5, Group II: 227 ± 31.0 and 204 ± 31.8, Group III: 253 ± 52.0 and 234 ± 51.2, Group IV: 309 ± 43 and 296 ± 40.9, and Group V: 368 ± 51.0 and 343 ± 47.7. Correlation coefficient was also calculated between the height and PEFR, measured with pocket flow meter in all the five groups; 0.64, 0.68, 0.25, 0.47, and 0.69 from Groups I to V.

Conclusion: PEFR is increased with the increasing in height of the subjects.

Key words: Peak Expiratory Flow Rate; School Children; Mini Wright Flow Meter; Pulmonary Functions

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