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J Med Allied Sci. 2017; 7(1): 20-25

Antihyperlipidemic effect of crude extract of saffron stigma (Crocus sativus) in healthy male rats

Iliass Lahmass, Sabir Ouahhoud, Assia Sabouni, Mohammed Elyoubi, Redouane Benabbas, Rachid Elmoussaoui, Mohammed Choukri, Ennouamane Saalaoui.


In this study, we investigated for the first time the antihyperlipidemic ef-fects of crude extract of stigmas from Crocus sativus (saffron) against hyperlipidemia induced by tartrazine (synthetic dye) in normal male rats. Thirty adult male albino rats weighing about 150 - 200 g, were divided into 5 groups (n = 6) and daily treatment was given orally. Clinical biochemis-try and metabolic parameters were evaluated at the end of the experiment and after 105 days. (n=6, for all groups). Our data revealed that the meta-bolic parameters like consumption of food and water, pH and urine vol-ume have not been affected; also the difference between liver, right kid-ney and heart weight was not significant. The levels of cholesterol and triglyceride were significantly increased in group 2 and group 3 compared to control group. There was no significant difference in the level of cholesterol and triglyceride in group 4. Treatment with saffron alone did not have any significant effects on the level of fat compared to control group. The oral administration of the crude extract of saffron revealed good hypolipidemic effects in adult male albino rats. These results suggest that aqueous saffron extract reduced plasma cholesterol and decreased triglyceride. Therefore, it could conceivably lead to suitable changes in blood lipid profiles.

Key words: Antihyperlipidemic effect, Crocus sativus, Saffron, Tartrazine

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