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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2017; 24(2): 201-202

A case of multiple trigger digits of one hand

Erdal Uzun, Yakup Ekinci, Ersin Kasim Ulusoy, Mehmet Yetis.

Cited by 0 Articles

The trigger finger is a tenosynovitis that causes pain, stabbing and loss of function and occurs as a result of inflammation and hypertrophy in flexor tendon and tendon sheath at the level of A1 pulley. The annual incidence of the population is 28 / 100,000 and the risk of life-time is 2-3%. It can affect all fingers mostly involving the ring, middle fingers and the thumb. Trigger finger is more common in middle-aged women rather than men mostly with predisposing factors. The treatment consists of conservative and surgical treatment. A 74-year-old woman with no other illnesses except diabetes mellitus was presented with a single-handed, multiple-patterned, surgically treated trigger finger.

Key words: Trigger Finger; Multiple; Single Hand.

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