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Analysis of the effects of duration and quality of sleep on pain threshold and nerve conduction velocity on medical students

Kanietha Priya A S, Anu S, Pooja Devi.

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Background: Sleep is a nature’s gifted condition of mind and body, characterized by inactive nervous system; eyes closed postural muscles relaxed, reduced sensory activity relatively. A good quantity and quality of sleep is an important factor which is maintaining homeostasis of pain-regulation processes and conduction of nerve of an individual.

Aims and Objectives: The present study was carried out with the aim to analyze the effects of sleep duration and quality on pain threshold and nerve conduction on medical students with objectives: (1) To find out the relationship of pain threshold and nerve conduction velocity with sleep quality of medical students and (2) to find out relationship of pain threshold and nerve conduction velocity with sleep duration of medical students.

Materials and Methods: This study was done for a duration of one month on 30 volunteer medical students, of age 20-22 yrs, both genders were included in the study. Sleep duration was recorded by a questionnaire and sleep quality was assessed using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). On the next day, pain sensitivity was recorded using Digital Algometer, Medicaid, Pune, and nerve conduction recording was recorded in Physio Pac (Medicaid machine - Neurostim - NS2).

Results: There is a significant difference in the mean values of the pain threshold and no significance in nerve conduction velocity (amplitude, latency, and duration) of the medical students before and after sleep.

Conclusion: There is variation in the pain threshold before and after sleep of the volunteers. The reduced sleep quality and duration have caused the increased pain sensitivity in normal individuals.

Key words: Nerve Conduction; Pain Sensitivity; Sleep Duration and Quality

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