This study was designed to determine the effect of normal saline infusion into the epididymis on epididymal sperm quality in Sahel bucks postmortem and relationship between testicular and epididymal morphometric parameters with characteristics of the recovered sperm. A total of 60 slaughtered Sahel bucks were used. The bucks were randomly divided into two equal groups and spermatozoa collected using retrograde flushing method. In group 1, Normal Saline (1 ml) was infused into the epididymis of the first group and followed up with 1 ml of Oviplus® semen extender. In the second group, 2 mls of Oviplus semen extender was used. It was found that the epididymal sperm concentration was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in group 1 compared with group 2. The epididymal sperm concentration in group 2 (1760 × 106 sperm/mL) was significantly higher (P
Key words: Sahel bucks, spermatozoa, epididymis, testes, oviplus®, normal saline