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Review Article

Prospects and challenges for free-of-charge health care system: A way forward to health insurance in Saudi Arabia

Fahad Albejaidi.

Cited by 5 Articles

This article discusses the evolution and development of the effective health care system and the government strategy in reducing its financial burden that are associated with the health care through privatising the public health services and demonstrating the importance of the social health insurance (SHI) cooperative scheme in Saudi Arabia. In recent past, Saudi Arabia’s health care services have been regarded well internationally, as reflected in by high average life expectancy and low rate of infant mortality. The literature suggests that the Saudi health care system has become competitive in the international health care systems such as those available in Canada, Australia, New Zealand as well as United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Kuwait in the Middle East. Three levels of health care services-primary, secondary and tertiary-greatly contributed for the advancement of Saudi Arabia’s health sector. However this paper
argues that the Saudi Government will confront major challenges in the funding and delivery of health care as the current pattern of the health funding system has stretched by an ageing population, growing number of labour immigrants, the growing burden of chronic illness, and the ineffective health services. It contends that the inequalities in health services that exist between urban and remote regions’ citizens persist; therefore, it points to the need for reforming Saudi health care system. This paper also discusses that the private sector is playing effective role in assisting the government to reduce its medical expenditure. Despite these improvements, extending equity health services is a serious challenge for the government. This paper further suggests that this challenge can be mitigated through an effective and efficient operation of SHI services in all geographical regions encompassing rural friendly healthcare services and easy and affordable access to health services delivered by the public and the private sector.

Key words: Health Care; Saudi Arabia; Privatisation; Social Health Insurance; Cooperative Health Insurance; Economic Burden; Equity

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