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Identifying and addressing the determinants that affect successful control of diabetes mellitus type II

Abdulaziz Faleh Alfadhly, Sultan Abdullah Almalki.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Various life variables are known not essential to the advancement of type 2 diabetes including weight, absence of adequate physical action, terrible eating routine, anxiety, and urbanization. A number of dietary factors such as consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks in excess and the type of fats in the diet also appear to play a role.

Objectives: Estimating the prevalence of successful control of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and its determinants at Diabetic Centre, Prince Mansur Military Hospital for Community Medicine, Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was adopted. It included adult DM type 2 patients (18-60 years), at (PMFCH), Armed Forces Hospital, Taif region. Successful control of type 2 DM has been defined strictly by achievement of targeted glycemic control glycated hemoglobin (HBA1C)

Key words: Diabetes; Mellitus Type II; Prince Mansur Military Hospital; Taif

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