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Original Research

RMJ. 2017; 42(2): 147-149

Dengue: The Non-stop

Kashif Rahim, Zafar Latif, Nasim Ilyas, Azka Waqar, Saleem Murtaza Khan, Khansa Waqar.


Objective: To assess the Community Participation in Preventions & Control of Dengue Fever in Rawalpindi City Area.
Methodology: This descriptive retrospective study was conducted in Rawalpindi City Area. Data were collected on a questionnaire prepared both in English and Urdu from 350 conveniently selected local residents.
Results: Majority of the participants didn’t had any formal education, doing private job and around one third were house wives. More than half of the respondents were not aware that mosquito laid eggs in water. Majority said mosquito bites at night. Around half of the participants were of opinion of use of mosquito nets for personal protection. Only a small percentage was aware that bite can occur outside home at work place and schools. 211 knew that it can bite outside home. 251 knew how to protect their home from mosquitoes. 19 of them support the prevention program financially. 59 participated in dengue prevention and control program. 296 said that the control and prevention is responsibility of government.
Conclusion: Majority of the participant were lacking base line knowledge about dengue fever and community participation in control and prevention dengue was very low.

Key words: Dengue, Aedes aegypti, awareness.

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