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Original Article

AJVS. 2017; 52(1): 125-132

Anatomical Study on the Gills with its Respiratory Circulation in Shovelnose Ray Fish (Glaucostegus Typus)

Nora A. Shaker and Hamdy M. Rezk.


This present study was applied on shovelnose ray fish (Glaucostegus Typus) to investigate the anatomical features of gills and its vascular networks (arterio-arterial pathway) within the gill arch. Twleve fresh specimens were used by applying the intravascular injection technique with red colored latex or Urographin to study the gill vasculature. Fish gills consisted of five pairs of gill arches, opened externally by five branchial slits; each arch supported by a double row of gill filaments along its lateral convex border except the 1st arch had one posterior row. The gill arches were supported by a complete interbranchial septum. The arterioarterial (respiratory) pathway consists of the afferent, the lamellar, the filamental and the efferent segments of the branchial arteries.

Key words: anatomy, gill morphology, gill vessels, shovelnose ray fish.

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