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Perception and satisfactory level of beneficiaries regarding female sterilization services through client exit interview at various facilities of Rajkot district

Jasmin R Oza, Dhara V Thakrar, Umed V Patel, Amiruddin M Kadri, Bhavesh R Kanabar, Ashutosh D Jogia.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: The National Population Policy 2000 and the RCH Programme Phase II emphasize the importance of achieving population stabilization and attaining the goal of replacement-level fertility. Sterilization services are largely being provided through a network of public and private sector facilities.

Objectives: To study the perception and satisfactory level of beneficiaries regarding female sterilization services at various health facilities of Rajkot district.

Materials and Methods: An observation-based, cross-sectional study was conducted by Community Medicine department, PDU Government Medical College, Rajkot, during February-March 2015. All health facilities of Rajkot district where laparoscopic tubal ligation (Lap TL) camps were organized including 4 CHCs, 5 SDHs, 1 district hospital, and 1 medical college and hospital were selected for the study. A standard checklist was used for client perception regarding female sterilization services through client exit interview at the time of discharge from the facility. The data entry was done in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and analysis was done using the same software.

Results: This study included 42 beneficiaries of Lap TL who had given interview at the time of discharge from the health facility. Approximately one-fourth, i.e., 10 (23.8%) beneficiaries were having age more than 30 years. Nearly 73.81% of the clients received knowledge of sterilization from health workers and 80.95% of clients adopted sterilization by their own choice. Almost 100% of clients said that behavior of staff is polite. Around 50% of beneficiaries perceived that they have adequate privacy at the time of examination and also during surgical procedure.

Conclusion: Improvement is required through sensitization training of the supportive staff to provide quality service to clients, and more satisfaction can be provided by improving client–provider interactions. Separate space for examination and counseling should be made available to assure privacy at all the health facilities.

Key words: Perception; Level of Satisfaction; Female Sterilization Services; Client Exit Interview

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