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RMJ. 2017; 42(2): 258-261

Practices of faculty members regarding teaching and learning strategies in nursing education

Shams Ul Huda, Tazeen Syed Ali, Kashmira Nanji, Shanaz Cassum.


Objective: To determine the different teaching learning strategies utilized, percentage of faculty members utilizing these teaching strategies and faculty perceptions regarding effectiveness of these in undergraduate nursing degree programs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan.
Methodology: Cross sectional descriptive design was used to conduct this study. The sample size was 42. The faculty members were recruited from different nursing institutes offering degree programs in KPK, Pakistan. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS & STAT.
Results: Discussion, lecture, group discussion, and PPT were used by 78.6%, 73.8%, 73.8%, and 69% of the faculty members, respectively. However, other learning strategies like debate, PBL, case study, and role play were used by fewer members of faculty; 44.2%, 47.6%, 38.1, and 40.5%, respectively. Faculty reported discussion (88.1%), group work (81%), lecture (61.9%), and video (59.5%) as the most effective teaching strategies.
Conclusion: Nursing institutes in KPK are still using passive learning strategies in nursing education. It is recommended that faculty development programs should be initiated to enhance utilization of active learning strategies.

Key words: Effective learning strategies, teaching practices, teaching strategies

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