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Investigation of seed germination indices for early selection of salinity tolerant genotypes: a case study in wheat

Fatemeh Aflaki, Mohammad Sedghi, Arman Pazuki, Mohammad Pessarakli.


Plant establishment is highly correlated with successful germination and seedling growth, the most sensitive and critical stages, which by their limiting and adverse effects finally result in poor yield. Therefore, investigating resistance to salinity among genotypes of a desired plant is highly recommended for anticipated drought seasons. To study the effects of salinity on seed germination and initial growth of seedlings, a factorial experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design with four replicates using three wheat genotypes (Zagros, Gascogen and Kuhdasht). Salinity levels were 0 (control), 3.5 and 7 dS m-1 (deci-Siemen per metre). The results indicated that salinity had significant influence on different germination indices. In all the genotypes, with an increase in salinity levels, indices including germination percentage, germination rate, seed vigor, coefficient of germination rate, coleoptile to plumule ratio, and daily germination mean decreased. Unlike the mentioned indices, the ratio of radicle to plumule and mean of germination time increased. Zagros genotype showed more tolerant than the other two. Based on these results, it seems that germination indices may be effectively used in selecting tolerant plants to salinity stress.

Key words: Coleoptile, plumule, germination indices, radicle, salinity, seed vigor, wheat

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