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Feasibility and Value of Radiographic Union Score Hip Fracture after Treatment with Intramedullary Nail of Stable Hip Fractures

Daniele Maiettini, Michele Bisaccia, Auro Caraffa, Giuseppe Rinonapoli, Luigi Piscitelli2, Olga Bisaccia, Giuseppe Rollo, Luigi Meccariello, Paolo Ceccarini, Alberto Rebonato.


Introduction: Given the importance of fracture healing on patient outcome in clinical practice, it is critical to assess fracture healing. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of the Radiographic Union Score Hip fracture after treatment with intramedullary nail of stable hip fractures. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively collected the data from the clinical records of our institution of the 47 patientswho had undergone intertrochanteric hip fracture treatment using an intramedullary nail. Pain visual analogic score (VAS) was collected the same day that X-rays were taken. Plain hip X-rays were performed, in two radiographic views, at 40 and 90 days after the surgical procedure. The correlation between the RUSH and VAS score was evaluated. Results: Mean RUSH and VAS scores showed a strong statistical improvement between the 40 and 90 day follow-ups. RUSH value at 40 days fitted an inverse linear regression with VAS, p-value of 0.0063 and r2 of 0.15. At 90 days the regression between RUSH and VAS scores was not significant. Conclusion: RUSH could be proposed as an objective system to evaluate union in hip fractures treated with intramedullary nail.

Key words: Radiographic Value, RUSH, Intramedullary Nail, Stable Hip Fractures, Union, Non Union, Delay Union.

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