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Review Article

How to Improve Visibility of Scientific Biomedical Sources

Asim Kurjak.


With the rapid development of information and communications technologies, industrial nations are transforming into societies in which knowledge is the most contested and valuable good. The increased speed at which we have to acquire new knowledge, insights, and abilities is forcing us to divide up learning into novel, shorter phases. The traditional choreography of learning with its long, rigid defined school, job, and university educational periods is already obsolete today. Self-organized, lifelong learning is becoming a must. Everyone knows that without the uncertainty of the new nothing new is possible. To try to prevent this in one way or another would be fatal for science, as well as for our society as a whole. Research means thinking ahead. Research means recognizing challenges and taking responsibility for the new. The freedom needed for this is now the international standard, to which we have to adapt. The question of the development of such standards for research can therefore not be posed frequently and persistently enough. We all know that creativity is biological privilege of young age and the best test for their scientific creativity is publication in respectable journals with a solid impact factor. Conferences like this one in Sarajevo in 2016 should be very stimulated for younger as well as more senior research workers.

Key words: scientific work, visibility of scientific sources.

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