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JCBPR. 2017; 6(1): 9-14

The Investigation of Relationship Between Mindfulness and Depression in University Students: Mediating Role of Self-Control

Ergül KARA, Aydoğan Aykut CEYHAN.

Cited by 0 Articles

The objective of this study was to investigate mediating role of self-control on relationship between depression and mindfulness in university students. The study sampled 808 university students who attain at different program at Anadolu university. “Beck Depression Inventory”, ‘‘Mindful Attention Awareness Scale”, and “Brief Self-Control Scale” were used to assess study constructs.
Based on the results from the statistical mediation analyses, self-control has mediation effect on relationship between trait mindfulness, and depression in university students. The results indicated that self-control mediated the relationship between mindfulness and depression negatively. According to the research results, mindfulness were associated with high self-control and lower depression.

Key words: Depression, Mindfulness, Self-Control.

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