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The perspective of health professionals on the factor of 3rd persons in assisted reproductive techniques

Yesim Aksoy Derya, Tuba Ucar, Sermin Timur Tashan.


This study was planned with the aim of determining the perspective of health professionals on the factor of 3rd persons in assisted reproductive therapy techniques. The study, which is cross-sectional and descriptive, was conducted at a university hospital in the province of Malatya between the dates April and June 2016. After a power analysis, the sample size was determined as 405 health professionals. In the statistical analysis of the data, the study used means, standard deviations and percentage distributions. Among the participants with the mean age of 2.77371, 62.7% were women and 83.5% were nurses. 27.2% stated that legal permission should be provided in assisted reproduction for oocyte donation with a 3rd person, surrogacy and sperm banks. On the other hand, 50.4% of the participants stated that they may recommend their patients other countries for operations that concern 3rd persons. It was found that the reason participants did not find these techniques appropriate was morals/ethics for 69.6% and religious reasons for 77.3%. 39.7% of the participants stated that, in a case where the only choice left for having a child is assisted reproductive methods that require a 3rd person, they would accept infertility and do nothing. The ratio of people who stated they would accept treatment was 19%. Among the participants who said they would accept treatment, 83.1% would absolutely choose someone they do not know. Additionally, 52.3% stated that they would not want themselves or their spouses become donors. Consequently, only 27.2% of health professionals stated that assisted reproductive techniques with 3rd persons should be legal. On the other hand, 50.4% stated they may forward their patients to other countries for these methods. It was seen that health professionals experienced a dilemma regarding this subject especially on grounds of morals/ethics and religious concerns.

Key words: Oocyte donation, health professionals,sperm bank, surrogate motherhood, 3rd persons in assisted reproductive techniques

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