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PBS. 2017; 7(2): 116-23

Development of Happiness Increasing Strategies Scale for Adults

Ali Eryılmaz.


Objective: Happiness is one of the substantial issues in psychology. The aim of this study was to develop the scale of happiness increasing strategies for adults.
Method: The study group consisted of 438 adults (215 female and 223 male), aged 24 to 60. In the analysis of the data, reliability analysis, and confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis methods were employed. The Oxford Happiness Scale was used in order to perform the validity analysis.
Results: According to results of the study, the scale composed of 28 items and six dimensions with the level of 61.93% explained variance. The dimensions of the scale were named as taking a rest, mental control, exhibiting happiness oriented behaviors, participating in religious activity, reacting positively to the environment and satisfaction of desires.
Conclusions: As the findings of the study revealed, the Scale of Happiness Increasing Strategies was valid and reliable, and also it might be used for adults. Thus, the findings of this study might enlighten the way of other researchers and the scale might be used in future studies.

Key words: happiness, strategies, scale, adults

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