Objective: The aim of the current study was to examine the reliability and validity of Adult Parental Acceptance - Rejection Questionnaire Short Form (Adult PARQ - Short Form) which can be used to assess adults remembrance of parental acceptance-rejection in their childhood, in a normal population in Turkey.
Method: The study was conducted with two samples and in two phases. The first study, investigating the factor structure, composed of 424 women (62%) and 261 men (38%), in total 685 subjects between the ages of 18 and 63. A total of 201 university students including 163 women (81%) and 38 men (19%), between the ages of 18 and 25 took part in the second study, evaluating the criterion-related validity, discriminant validity and reliability. In this phase, in addition to Adult PARQ- Short Form, the Parental Bonding Instrument was used.
Results: In exploratory factor analysis, Mother Form of the scale revealed two factor structure (acceptance and rejection) and Father Form revealed three factor structure (acceptance, rejection and neglect). However confirmatory factor analysis showed that revised version of the scale which was obtained by displacing one item in the theoretically proposed 4-factor structure (item 13 was included in Warmth/Affection instead of Indifference/Neglect), represented better goodness of fit values. The scale represented good internal consistency, test-retest and split half reliabilities. Similarly, the criterion related and discriminant validity features of the scale were supported.
Conclusion: Adult PARQ- Short Form is a reliable and valid instrument evaluating adults remembrance of parental acceptance and rejection in their childhood, to use in both clinical applications and scientific researches in Turkey.
Key words: Parental acceptance-rejection, reliability, validity