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Effects of thermal processing on nutritional characteristics and non-volatile flavor components from Tricholoma lobayense

Li-Yuan Zhou, Wan Li, Wen-Juan Pan, Hussain Sajid, Ya Wang, Wen-Qiang Guo, Zheng-Nan Cai, Dan-Dan Wang, Wei-Wei Yang, Yan Chen.


Aim: In order to explore a better method to process the fruiting body of Tricholoma lobayense. Methods: Through the determination of proximate compositions, total soluble protein, sugar content, amino acids composition and 5’-nucleotides content, the effects of thermal processing on the nutritional compositions and non-volatile flavor components of the fruiting body of Tricholoma lobayense were evaluated. Results: Our study showed that the level of the proximate compositions, total soluble protein and sugar content in Tricholoma lobayense, decreased except the total phenolics during cooking. Amino acids composition analysis illustrated that the boiling increased total free amino acids content, but microwaving indicated an opposite effect. Boiling and microwaving could considerably increase the total 5’-nucleotides content. Microwaving decreased the EUC (Equivalent umami concentration) while boiling increase EUC. Both boiling and microwaving significantly increased the bio-accessibility of soluble sugar and protein but boiling was almost doubling that of control. Conclusion: All results suggested that boiling method could effectively preserve the nutritional characteristics of Tricholoma lobayense, and make Tricholoma lobayense more delicious and easier to be digested compared with microwaving.

Key words: bio-accessibility; non-volatile flavor components; nutritional characteristics; thermal processing; Tricholoma lobayense;

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