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Original Article

AJVS. 2017; 52(1): 28-45

Applied Anatomy and Computed Tomography of the Abdominal Wall of the Dog

Basma Gomaa, Ashraf Karkoura, El-Said Enany, Mohamed Alsafy, Samir Elgendy.


The aim of our work was to provide a detailed anatomy of the abdominal wall of the hybrid dogs with concerning to the canalis inguinalis of both sexes. The abdominal muscles, the obliquus externus and internus abdominis, transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis muscles were dissected. The nerves of the abdominal wall, nerve costoabdominalis, nerve iliohypogastricus cranialis, nerve iliohypogastricus caudalis, nerve ilioinguinalis and nerve cutaneus femoris lateralis were investigated. The arteries of the abdominal wall, artery epigastrica cranialis, artery epigastrica caudalis, artery circumflexa ilium profunda, artery costoabdominalis dorsalis, artery abdominalis cranialis, artery abdominalis caudalis, artery epigastrica cranialis superficialis and artery epigastrica caudalis superficialis were demonstrated. Our results recorded that artery abdominalis cranialis gave cranial and caudal branches; the cranial branch accompanied the lateral ramus of nerve costoabdominalis. The cutaneous branch of nerve ilioinguinalis accompanied the branch that originated from the artery circumflexa ilium profunda and passed through the fascia of the thigh till the level of the stifle joint region. In two cases, we found that, there was a connecting branch between the lateral ramus of nerve iliohypogastricus caudalis and the lateral ramus of the nerve ilioinguinalis. The lateral boundary of the canalis inguinalis was formed by the aponeurosis of the muscle obliquus externus abdominis, while the medial boundary was formed by the lateral surface of the muscle rectus abdominis and it was directed caudolaterally.

Key words: Dog, abdominal wall, inguinal canal, C.T (Computed tomography).

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