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Original Article

Sleep Hypn. 2016; 18(2): 41-43

Sleep-Related Violence, Self-Mutilation, and Dissociative Experiences

Mehmet Yucel Agargun, Lutfullah Besiroglu, Mustafa Gulec, Adem Aydin, Yavuz Selvi.


Twenty-eight subjects with and 46 subjects without sleep-related violence (VBS) were evaluated regarding the presence of self-mutilative behaviors (SMBs). The subjects with and without VBS were compared using dissociative experiences scale (DES). The subjects with VBS had higher mean DES score and more frequent SMBs than those without VBS. These findings suggest that dissociation may be related to both daytime SMBs and violent behaviors during sleep in young population.

Key words: dissociation, sleep-related violence, self-mutilation, dissociative experiences

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