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Case Report

Sleep Hypn. 2016; 18(1): 26-29

Infra-Dreaming and Dream-Awake States: A Case Study

Jorge Conesa-Sevilla.


The rare occurrence of the continuation and magnification of dream content, “reality,” and “free-wheeling” dynamics
(fleeting, poignant, meaningful, and meaningless), intersecting with and interspersed within awake reality and
consciousness is here described, for lack of better terms or known conditions, as infra-dreaming, or infra-reality. This
term is borrowed from a literary source, “infrarealism,” because it captures the seamless spilling over of dream and
dream-like consciousness into wakeful consciousness with a melding of the two, without obvious or diagnosed mental
disorders, but with significant (observable) temporary deficits in short and long term memory.

Key words: REM, infra-dreaming, long-term memory, dream-wakeful lucidity

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