Pulse examination is mentioned in both the systems i,e. Ayurvedic system and Tibetan system of medicine. Tibetan system of medicine is also known as Sowa-Rigpa and main text book of Tibetan medicine is termed as rGyud-bZi. The term used In Ayurveda for pulse examination is Nadi pariksha while in Sowa-Rigpa it is termed as che pa thun gyi rigpaor intuitive knowledge of diagnosis.
In Ayurveda it is not mentioned in the classical text book of Brihattrayi (Caraka, Susruta and Vagbhata samhita). It is mentioned in firstly in Sharangadhara samhita later on by Bhavprakash, Yogaratnakara , Kanada, Ravana and in Tibetan medicine it is mentioned in last Tantra of rGyud-bZi. Both the system have some common and some different views regarding pulse examination. Both the system have mentioned about the sites, sides, method of pulse examination and also the characteristics of pulse during physiological, pathological and mental conditions. In Tibetan medicine, there are the description of the constitutional pulse, seasonal pulse and seasonal pulse etc. also. On comparing, the description on pulse examination in Tibetan medicine is in more detailed and established form. The main aim of comparing both the traditional systems is to combine together the knowledge or work of both the traditional systems on pulse examination and to expand the knowledge on pulse examination to find out the exact diagnosis and prognosis of various diseases in best and easiest way
Key words: Ayurveda, sowa-rigpa, rGyud-bZi, Sharangadhara, Bhavaprakash, Yogaratnakara, Nadi, Pulse, Origin, Method, Physiological and Pathological condition, Mental states