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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6201-6215

"Determination Of Equal Rights Between Spouses" (A Comparative Review Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights And Islamic Teachings)

Dr. Syed Mehmood Ahmad Hasnain,Dr Hafiz Abdul Majeed,Dr. Irshadullah,Muhammad Shuaib.


Islam is the religion of justice. The happiness and joy of married life in society depends on the equal role of husband and wife. According to Islamic teachings, in order for a couple to have a happy and fulfilling relationship, it is necessary to determine their equal status so that they can fulfill their responsibilities equally. Due to the current unrestricted freedom, the notion of privacy and equality in the West that men and women are equal and no one can interfere in anyone's personal affairs.
The report, released by the World Bank on "Women, Business and the Law", states that after observing 187 countries, complete equality was found in only six countries those were Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg, and Sweden. In Islamic society, the husband is the head and guardian of the house while the wife is the equal helper of the husband in domestic affairs and child bearing, this creates an ideal family.
This article argues that in the Western concept of equality, men and women are held equally responsible for the payment of all social obligations, while in Islamic teachings both are required for an ideal marital life. A high standard of equality has been presented by defining rights and duties according to one's abilities, physical constitution and psychological condition.t

Key words: Human Rights, Universal Declaration, equal role, determine.

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