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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 511-514

Dengue fever prevention - knowledge, attitude and practices among OPD patients of a private hospital, Islamabad, Pakistan

Uzma Hassan, Uzma Naseer, Ayesha Farooq, Nasim Illyas.


Objective: To evaluate the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Dengue Fever Prevention among patients of a Private Hospital, Islamabad.
Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from September 2019 to March 2020 at Rawal General and Dental Hospital, Islamabad. Using non-probability convenience sampling technique, 120 participants were interviewed and responses were recorded on a close ended questionnaire. It included age, education, employment and residential status and questions regarding Knowledge, Attitude and Practices related to dengue fever prevention.
Results: Out of 120 subjects, 60(50%) were in age group 25-37 years, 48(40%) were graduates, 98(82%) were employed and 102(85%) resided in urban area. Responses regarding Knowledge were; heard about dengue 120(100%), source of knowledge TV/radio 68(56.66), route of transmission vector borne 76(63.33), awareness of two symptoms 42(35%), identification of vector 58 (48.33), flower pots breeding site 48(40%), biting time night 70(58.33). Responses regarding Attitude were; dengue serious illness 112(93.33), can be prevented 108(90%), community role 90(75%), hospitalization 112(93.33), prevention on community level 92(75.56%).
Conclusion: The participants were well aware of dengue fever, its major symptoms and illness seriousness. Majority had positive approach and were using preventive measures actively, with few misconceptions regarding biting time and vector identification. Imparting proper education to masses towards nature of disease would prove beneficial.

Key words: Dengue fever, prevention, knowledge, attitude, practices.

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