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RMJ. 2017; 42(3): 414-420

Challenging status about patient centricity among health care profession in Pakistan

Hina Rehman, Zakiuddin Ahmed, Faraz Hashmi, Khizra Jamil.


Objective: To determine health care professionals (HCP) views on patient centricity, quality improvements and advancements required for life satisfaction in health care sector. Methodology: It was descriptive cross sectional study and WHO and Picker institute’s validated questionnaire was used to measure the concept of adaptation. The study participants were HCPs who were working in tertiary care hospitals and afternoon solo clinics. No objective intervention was done. Orally, patient centricity approaches have discussed in groups.
Results: Mean age of the study participants were 42.65±11.36 years. Male were 80% and Female 20%. For patient care attributes communication, information access (empowerment), family involvement and environmental care found significant relationship (P≤0.005). For determination, the hospital situation, the rate of C-section also found significant relationship (P≤0.005).
Conclusion: CMEs, ECMEs and workshop should be conducted on the concept of “Nothing about ME without ME”. A campaign should be planned in medical colleges related to physician attitude, response and its importance. Salaries should be giv

Key words: Patient centricity, patient empowerment, nothing about ME without ME.

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